New year resolutions? Seriously?
People still do those?
I dunno…maybe it’s just me but I’ve never really understood the concept. I mean, if you really wanted to achieve something this year then you probably did.
And if you didn’t you probably had your reasons and you probably have a way to work around your reasons so as to achieve it next year. Right?
Simply put, the idea of having a to-do list every New Year just doesn’t cut it for me. If I want to get something done then I’ll just get it done! Period.
And do I really need a list to remind me that I need to hang out with my family more often? Or take out the trash every Friday? Or call Aunty Mary more often? Puhleez!
So I guess I’ll probably be the only one “cringing” at the new year bash, hoping no one goes like,
“So…Cathy, what are your new year resolutions?”
“Eer…I’m thinking of going blonde?”
Have a good one y’all - resolutions or not.
I’m loving: One in A Million – Ne-Yo