Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Dear Wangari
I'm just a young, ordinary Kenyan girl.
I'm just an average, disillusioned citizen, tired and apathetic.
Wearily have I watched as our country's leaders have turned the electorate into puppets. Weaving tribal lines, churning emotions and pitting brother against brother.
Wangari, I grew up like many others, in a time where few emerged as true leaders, worthy of Kenyans' admiration and gratitude.
Noble leaders such as yourself have come and gone.
I grew up watching and learning from you; you evoked such a die-hard spirit. You made me wonder if indeed it was possible for this country to one day, rise above the pettiness that defines our leadership.
You made me believe that Kenya was indeed capable of producing fine, worthy and legendary leaders.
You made me take note of the little things; your love for the environment, your fierce protective nature and your resilience in your quest to ensure that Kenya remains green - all these made me love nature even more.
Your resounding clarion call for Kenyans to wake up and contribute to saving our forests was heard across the seven seas.
You instilled such an immense sense of pride in me, in women, in the youth. You were a beaming light; a fierce torch that would guide all women who dared to stand up for what was right.
You were a true mentor, a believer, a hero, a mother, a confidante, a revolutionary, a friend.
You were Wangari Maathai; a human being that has left an immeasurable void on the face of the earth.
You will remain the stuff of legend, and our children's children will live to hear of your greatness.
Wangari, I cry for the loss that this country has faced today.
Wangari, I cry for I know we will never be touched by greatness such as yours.
Rest in peace Wangari.
You fought a chivalrous battle and emerged victorious.
You survived adversity and ashamed your naysayers.
I will forever remember your contribution to this world.
I treasure the fact that I lived in this generation; to witness who you were and what you achieved.
Travel well Mama Miti.
Love and sincere gratitude,
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Mr. Right
Monday, 15 August 2011
I Have Learnt

Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Amy Fade's to Black

Plus I'd just been jamming Rehab over and over in the past week. Quite cryptic then, dont you think? Anyways, I came across Russell Brand's touching tribute to the talented Amy and I just had to share:
“I’ve known Amy Winehouse for years. When I first met her around Camden she was just some twit in a pink satin jacket shuffling round bars with mutual friends, most of whom were in cool Indie bands or peripheral Camden figures Withnail-ing their way through life on impotent charisma.
Carl Barrat told me that “Winehouse” (which I usually called her and got a kick out of cos it’s kind of funny to call a girl by her surname) was a jazz singer, which struck me as a bizarrely anomalous in that crowd. To me with my limited musical knowledge this information placed Amy beyond an invisible boundary of relevance; “Jazz singer? She must be some kind of eccentric” I thought. I chatted to her anyway though, she was after all, a girl, and she was sweet and peculiar but most of all vulnerable.”
“Now Amy Winehouse is dead, like many others whose unnecessary deaths have been retrospectively romanticised, at 27 years old. Whether this tragedy was preventable or not is now irrelevant. It is not preventable today. We have lost a beautiful and talented woman to this disease. Not all addicts have Amy’s incredible talent. Or Kurt’s or Jimi’s or Janis’s, some people just get the affliction. All we can do is adapt the way we view this condition, not as a crime or a romantic affectation but as a disease that will kill. We need to review the way society treats addicts, not as criminals but as sick people in need of care.
"We need to look at the way our government funds rehabilitation. It is cheaper to rehabilitate an addict than to send them to prison, so criminalisation doesn’t even make economic sense. Not all of us know someone with the incredible talent that Amy had but we all know drunks and junkies and they all need help and the help is out there. All they have to do is pick up the phone and make the call. Or not. Either way, there will be a phone call.”
Couldnt have had a more adequately penned tribute.
Friday, 15 July 2011
Back to Black

Monday, 28 March 2011
Rioter of the week
Sunday, 27 March 2011
First They Came
First They came - Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)
I love this poem. Niemoller was an anti-Communist German pastor,and at the height of Hitler's rampage in Germany, the good pastor postulated the following statement, sometimes presented as a poem.
It is well-known, frequently quoted, and is a popular model for describing the dangers of political apathy, as it often begins with specific and targeted fear and hatred which soon escalates out of control.
And as we all know too well, this is reminiscent of the happenings in Libya, Egypt, Kenya (a few years ago) and the rest of the world.
So just to remind ourselves...
"First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me."
Do speak out for someone/something this week. Its the least you can do; at least for your sake and for humanity's sake.
I'm loving - Speak for Me by Jaci Velasquez
Thursday, 17 March 2011
For all the good things
Ok, it all started with the Egypt riots that culminated in Hosni Mubarak's fall from grace (finally) and thereafter the domino effect was felt throughout the Midle East. With this came the hike in oil prices, the dollar has slumped, production has stalled, even earth days have shorthened!
And now the heartwrenching disaster that has engulfed Japan...its all so sad. The other day, a friend was saying how these events are so reminiscent of the "end of days" biblical references.
There's so much strife, disaster and human struggle.
The Japan situation is one that has got me thinking alot. I mean, just having a look at some of the pictures over here puts everything into firm perspective.
Its so easy for us mortals to forget all the good things we enjoy in our fickle lives; the iar we breathe, the safety of our homes, the love and affection of family, the food on our tables, a warm bed at night, the security of a job...
Lets remember to thank God and whoever deity we recognise for all the good things we have.
And please whisper a prayer to our Japanese brothers and sisiters.
I'm loving: Just a Prayer Away by Jaci Velasquez
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Not Nate!

Nate Dogg-bandana wearing,smooth,mellow,swagalicious...
It seems like every other day, another bright, shining star leaves the music industry feeling orphaned. Its like, for every true talent that leaves the earth, a hail of auto-tune backed "singers" emerges. Seemingly, this dearth of true artists like Nate, MJ and so on, will not be mitigated.
Its saddening that he's gone. Nate's contribution to hip-hop cannot be overemphasised enough; he was truly legendary.
The internet is awash with tributes, the blogosphere sparking with fond memories of the man. I passed here and couldn’t help but notice how much Nate was loved and appreciated by his fans.
Man…I don’t even know where to begin. All I can say is hip-hop’s lost a real artist, a real star, a legend.
R.I.P Nate
I’m loving Regulate - Warren G ft Nate Dogg
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Sleep well Becky
Well, inasmuch as it’s an inherent fact that one day, all of us will leave this earth; it just never seems to
register until the time when someone we love and cherish deeply leaves us.
I lost a really good friend of mine the other day.
She was an amazing chic. She had so much going for her – looks, brains, personality…name it. Becky
had it all.

She’d just finished her CPAs, was awaiting her graduation this year. Her results had just chomokad last
week and she had done exceptionally well. She was then planning on starting her own audit firm.
Becky was going places, and we all knew it.
But wait – God had other plans for her.
See, what we always seem to forget is that after all is said and done, God rules over every single
decision we make, every iota of our lives. He knows what will happen decades from now. Even before
we are born, He knows when we shall be going back home to Him.
And so it was that Becky had to bid us farewell and go back home.
Such a sad demise, I have hardly experienced. Well…others have gone too soon in my life, but Becky’s
leaving was just so…unexpected.
But they also say that the good die young.
Becky, I miss you so much and our friendship is all I can think of and smile.
Becky(in orange top). She was always so happy and exuding positive energy.
Because at least I have the memories, the good times and the bad. And the sure promise that one day
we shall meet again.
Rest in Peace sweet angel.
I’m loving: I’m Coming Home -Diddy Dirty Money
Friday, 11 February 2011
Party of One this Vals – 30 good reasons why.

1. I have the whole bed all to myself.
2. No one makes a face when I bite my fingernails. Or toenails.
3. I’m eating way less because I don’t need to cook like Martha Stewart. Tea, biscuits, a fresh fruit here, some cereal there and I’m perfecto!
4. No one is scratching their balls and then touching the remote control/fridge door/pillows. At least, I don’t think anyone is.
5. Lots of uninterrupted ME time.
6. I don’t feel guilty about the smell when I paint my nails.
7. I don’t feel self-conscious whenever I got o the little girls’ room.
8. Not washing anyone else’s laundry or dishes! Hooray!
9. I don’t have to worry about being cheated on because there is no one to cheat!
10. When I wear sweatpants to bed, no one complains about it.
11. Keeping up with the Kardashians can play for an entire hour without anyone whining.
12. Who cares how hairy my legs and armpits are? Not me. Ok, fine…I care. But not as much as a boyfriend would.
13. I’m the only one using my expensive bathing gel, shampoo and conditioner.
14. I can flirt with any cute guy and feel….NOT GUILTY! J
15. No more roommates I don’t get along with.
16. I feel more kinship with other single women. YEI YEIIII!!
17. I’ve seen more of my sisters, my cousins, mum, my boys and my girls than I have in the whole time that I was in a relationship.
18. I can blog about whatever I want regarding my personal life and no one will ask me to explain it later. Awesome!
19. Weekends are for me and my family, not anyone else’s.
20. The next time I go to the movies, I’m almost decidedly seeing a chick flick.
21. I wake up when my alarm clock goes off without someone pressuring me to hit snooze and stay a while longer when I really need to get on the go.
22. Lipstick, lip gloss and lip balm actually stay on my lips now.
23. Sleeping with my childhood teddy bear again ... without shame.
24. Don’t have to share the iPod with anyone.
25. Flirting without guilt. Oh wait…I said that already.
26. I can keep pets.
27. Deepening friendships and making new friends with all my free time.
28. I don’t have to shower as much.
29. No one has asked me why I need so many shoes, clothes, books, magazines, eccentric taste in movies etc. I just do, OK?
As for all the lovebirds out there, do enjoy each other. I'll be busy sippin on a crisp clean bite as I watch yet another gooey flick.
I'm loving: Fall For Your Type by Jamie Foxx ft Drake