Thursday 19 June 2008

Tax Them!

I’m at a loss – someone help me out here…

I don’t know which is more pathetic; the whines of an eight year old, whose got a piece of meat stuck in his molar, or the whines of grown up men and women, who are grumbling about the possibility of their larger than life allowances being taxed.

God knows this country’s taxpayers are already bent double at the waist with the weight of MPs salaries. Earning over 200,000 shillings per month(this is the only bit that’s taxed) and scooping enormous allowances that sum up to a total earning of about 850,000 shillings…this is really the height of irony, in a country that’s reeling from post-election violence effects, spiralling inflation rates and soaring food prices.

Kenya’s MPs earn more than their British counterparts and are among the most highly paid legislators in the continent. So when Finance Minister, Amos Kimunya decided to propose a tax cut of the MPs huge allowances, the expected happened – grumbling, whining and outright rage. How dare the Finance Minister consider such a despicable idea? The nerve! Oh, the shame of being taxed! MPs are not happy. Well, at least the majority of them aren’t.

I honestly used to believe that anyone with a conscience would never be able to sleep comfortably, knowing full well the problems plaguing his neighbours and also knowing that he could do something about it. But as far as our MPs are concerned; I gave up on them a long time ago. Because while their constituents continue to endure the daily grind that is life, the MPs continue to live the high life. They build palatial homes, cruise in fuel guzzlers, eat the choicest meat and generally live on the lap of luxury. All in the full glare of their constituents’ bleary eyes.

So forgive us, oh worthy “honourable members of parliament” if we side with Mr. Kimunya on this one. Because he seems to be listening to our pleas, rather than “playing the public gallery” as Peter Kenneth suggests. Okay, even if he is(I don’t really care), at least he has the guts to propose the “unthinkable” for the second time. I just hope that this time, his noble motion wont be scuttled out of the August House. We all know they will anyway. I’m just trying my hand at some optimism.

But I seriously think its well overdue, this whole idea. These people need to know that if it wasn’t for us (and an inept electoral commission), they wouldn’t be feeling on top of the world. Those pedestals on which they perch can easily come down.

So while the likes of Bonny Khalwale (Ikolomani MP) argue that those calling for tax have already benefited from financial scandals, Kenyans continue to shake their heads in disbelief. I mean, who gives two hoots whether some MPs have enriched themselves from shady deals or not! After all, birds of a feather flock together; and these birds all seem alike to me. So big deal! All we want to see is some action – let these people be taxed! That’s one way of showing Kenyans that they seriously care about our suffering. And that they too have consciences.

We are behind you 100% Mr. Kimunya. Don’t let your colleagues talk you out of this one or else you will have failed the populace mightily.

On that note:

Will these retail chains and kiosks quit messing around? I’m still waiting for the price of a loaf of bread to go down by 5 shillings, at least. Hello??? Kimunya zero rated tax on basic commodities like bread and rice, and reduced tax on wheat. So that really translates to something like this – BREAD IS BACK ON THE BREAKFAST TABLE! (At least it should be…)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What first hit me in the Kimunya's budget was the Mps being taxed,it realy jazzed me. what is now really pissing is that they dont want to be taxed.

do they think they are more Kenyan than us or who in this world do they think they are if all Kenyans are being taxed.

secondly, kwani what of theirs is being taxed, is it the CDF or their allowances. they claim to use their money for development of constituencies, kwani ni CDF, or is the CDF channelled thro their allowances? they stomach all their allowances and claim to be using in constituency Devt. who said they should use their salaries???!!!!

they made me MAD.
