1. I have the whole bed all to myself.
2. No one makes a face when I bite my fingernails. Or toenails.
3. I’m eating way less because I don’t need to cook like Martha Stewart. Tea, biscuits, a fresh fruit here, some cereal there and I’m perfecto!
4. No one is scratching their balls and then touching the remote control/fridge door/pillows. At least, I don’t think anyone is.
5. Lots of uninterrupted ME time.
6. I don’t feel guilty about the smell when I paint my nails.
7. I don’t feel self-conscious whenever I got o the little girls’ room.
8. Not washing anyone else’s laundry or dishes! Hooray!
9. I don’t have to worry about being cheated on because there is no one to cheat!
10. When I wear sweatpants to bed, no one complains about it.
11. Keeping up with the Kardashians can play for an entire hour without anyone whining.
12. Who cares how hairy my legs and armpits are? Not me. Ok, fine…I care. But not as much as a boyfriend would.
13. I’m the only one using my expensive bathing gel, shampoo and conditioner.
14. I can flirt with any cute guy and feel….NOT GUILTY! J
15. No more roommates I don’t get along with.
16. I feel more kinship with other single women. YEI YEIIII!!
17. I’ve seen more of my sisters, my cousins, mum, my boys and my girls than I have in the whole time that I was in a relationship.
18. I can blog about whatever I want regarding my personal life and no one will ask me to explain it later. Awesome!
19. Weekends are for me and my family, not anyone else’s.
20. The next time I go to the movies, I’m almost decidedly seeing a chick flick.
21. I wake up when my alarm clock goes off without someone pressuring me to hit snooze and stay a while longer when I really need to get on the go.
22. Lipstick, lip gloss and lip balm actually stay on my lips now.
23. Sleeping with my childhood teddy bear again ... without shame.
24. Don’t have to share the iPod with anyone.
25. Flirting without guilt. Oh wait…I said that already.
26. I can keep pets.
27. Deepening friendships and making new friends with all my free time.
28. I don’t have to shower as much.
29. No one has asked me why I need so many shoes, clothes, books, magazines, eccentric taste in movies etc. I just do, OK?
As for all the lovebirds out there, do enjoy each other. I'll be busy sippin on a crisp clean bite as I watch yet another gooey flick.
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CHeers!!toast and a high five to this post
tihihih....glad u feel me gurl!
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