Thursday 15 September 2011

Mr. Right

Mr. Right; okay he doesn’t exist. Yeah, I know. We all know.
But every girl still has a list of how their Mr. Right should be. So for heck’s sake, here is mine…ok, its kinda rambly and all. Its more like a list of all the characteristics I did and didn’t like after a date is over. Call me obsessive, I don’t really care…I’m all for perfection. Or at least finding someone who is everything I’m looking for. (Sigh)
1. Makes me laugh - To me, conversation has always been more important than looks (to a point though, there has to be some initial attraction. I mean DUH). I would rather be with someone who makes me laugh than someone who makes the mean girls jealous. Ok, fine. Both would be sooo cool.
2. Creative – I like to consider myself pretty creative (with the exception of this topic) and I think for someone to be able to be with me long-term they would need to have a little creativity in order to put up with my story telling and intricate delusions of grandeur. Mostly these pop up smack in the course of my erstwhile monotonous work days. So I basically end up going through the motions with a dazed look. Not so bad once you get the hang of it…which leads me to…
3. Intelligent - I think it goes without saying that an intelligent mind is a major turn on. Please tell me you didn’t love A Beautiful Mind. Go on, look me in the eyes and LIE!!
Yeah…anyway, there’s absolutely no way to tolerate someone who seems painfully subterranean in terms of their grasp of all things intelligentsia. I just can’t. I love a guy who makes me think, keeps my brain churning and bursting with ideas and questions. Excite me with your world views and hypotheses. Don’t make me feel like I’m the only thinker in the room. I’m not saying you should give Socrates a run for his money; I’m just saying be bright. Period.
4. Tall - I’ve found that short guys tend to have a Napoleon complex…Plus I just feel more comfortable with a guy taller than I am. Hello, those six-inch heels have to be worn when we’re out.
5. Has a jobI understand it’s a bad economy, but I’m just one of those people who work a lot, and enjoy it. Oh please, who am I kidding-I hate working. It’s totally uncool and frankly, whoever came up with the idea of 9 to 5 is so on my wanted list right now.
That having been said, it suffices to say that being with someone who has no motivation to even search for a job – a decent, well paying, take-care-of-my-woman job…yeah, not gonna work.
6. Enjoys learning - I was one of those people who got super excited about buying school supplies, the person who read the book before school started, the person who got thrown out of British Council’s Library and MacMillan because goddamit, its 6 pm on Saturday - you’re supposed to be out partying or something, not stuck in an old, creepy, dusty library, choking on dust balls but still ploughing through atlases and Thesauruses.
7. Must love animals – I hate creepy crawlies. Love all other members of the animal kingdom. Cats, dogs, horses, alligators, pigs, chicken…Love em, love em, love em.
8. Spontaneous - I think it would even me out, I’m a lover of routines. I’d want someone who would inspire a random trip to the Rift and back… No scratch that – a random trip to some place that cant even be found on GPS. Yup.Just because it would be fun to go.
9. Sarcasm - I’ve met guys who don’t understand my witty/sarcastic remarks. At times it felt like I was speaking a different language. Seriously, is it that hard to figure?
10. Loves the outdoors – I love being outside, especially when it’s sunny and blue skies are stretching out for miles. Road trips and escapades to wherever, bungee jumping off cliffs and running around in the grass bare feet…these, a girl loves! No way do I want to be with someone who sits inside all day.
11. Competitive – Okay, I know what you might be thinking because you’ve been with the “overly competitive guy”. And it isn’t fun to compete about everything, but going back to careers…I think it would be nice to find someone as equally driven and competitive in the work place as I am.
I'm loving - Mr. Right by A Rocket to The Moon


Nyambura said...

Interesting list girl :-) Life can have a twisted sense of humor though. You meet a guy who is all of the above, but your tummy doesn't do flips when you see him...doesn't make you feel like the earth moved no?

Of course I'm furiously knocking on wood as I say this :-) Have a fab weekend

Cathy W said...

hey Nya...true.|isnt that lije a totally twisted form of Murphy's Law or what?
Anyhows, yeah knock on that wood.Hope urs was fab too. :-)

Anto said...

Well, all the best to the man who sets to achieve all this. I could add this which I came across from a friend:: munin