I’ve always prided myself with the notion that I can make my own decisions and hardly does peer pressure affect this process. Moreover, I have never really had to do something I never wanted to.
Yeah…right. That’s until I recently discovered (ok, it’s not so recent, considering I have known this for slightly over ten years) that I am more than one person. Uh huh…yeah.
Look, I’m no retard, everyone has their OMG moments where they suddenly realise that there exists more than one personality to speak of.
So yeah, I realised I have more than one (actually say three) different personalities. Now, I’m no Emily Rose so no need to call an exorcist. But I do know that my alters are pretty stubborn and can make me do basically anything; from dancing atop a barstool to jumping off a cliff(of course bungee-jump. What sort of jumping did you think I was referring to?)
Now, let me get to my point – so one of my alters was exceedingly in command this past few days and my, oh my, doesn’t she just do the darndest things!
I mean- I could get arrested when she’s in control. She totally throws all caution to the wind, doesn’t give two rat-tails about anything and would dive head first into quicksand just for fun. It’s quite scary when I think about it.
Its this scary…

Sasha Fierce aint got nothing on this banshee…she’s a hellcat. A very, very wild hellcat.
So I will simply put it across that this past few days have been insane; I shall not be held accountable for whatever activities I may have engaged in and suffice it to say that ultimately, it really isn’t my fault coz everybody knows that the mother personality is never really in control of her alters at some point. Come on, you know it’s true. Don’t you watch Lie to Me?
I was attacked by Crazy Alter Mama. And it was crazy beautiful.
I’m loving: Dog Days Are Over - Florence and The Machine
Hey city cat (your name grabbed me while visiting WP) i guess most people are like that...sometimes i feel like there are so many MEs, i don't jua where one ends & the other begins...and i kinda like it :-) cheers
YAY!nice to know i aint the only reeetard around!
hmmm...we should start a secret club :-)
Uhuh, I know my alter ego is a really strange fella, some Japanese Samurai in a futuristic Year 3000 kinda world so I really find myself doing and saying AND writing the strangest things...
Why did you call your other self Emily Rose now? But I'm glad its making you live a nit freer than usual. Just make sure you cant spot you kawa self in the distance everytime you throw caution to the wind so that in case of any eventualities... yeah! :)
No I dont watch Lie To Me, a bit too cyclic for my liking....
I've always known I have issues. As a matter of fact, I've written this note myself several times, mostly to myself, and a few times when I absolutely know I have to apologise to people.
Anyway, I was raging the other day, my mum calls me on my cell, she is in the other room, and asks me what's up with Briggette. I ask her who the bloody who is Briggette, and she tells me that 'she' is my very very naughty imaginary friend from when I was 5.
No, I will not see Dr. Njenga. I am fine. And so are we :)
hahahaha Jules(sorry, nastly lil' habit of shortening people's names)
i sooo relate to that...i like the name Brigette-sounds kinda gypsy-ish...
Nyambura, we should start that club like YESTERDAY!
hey will...i |LOVE samurais!thats sooo dope!my Emily Rose thinks thats super thrilling and she want to meet you asap!do you wield a mighty sword(dont take that literally)
*_____________* *DEAD*
Yes, Emily Rose, I do wield a huge sword that a mere mortal would struggle to lift with both hands. We could meet at the KICC helipad...you can levitate, cant you?
We all need lil red pills to pop the sec we wake up! :)
aaah willie boy(sorry...nasty lil habit)
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