I dunno…every day seems to trudge by without any vivre to it.
Its so unsettling…kinda makes me look towards a new dawn with some sense of apathy.
I have absolutely no idea how to turn this around.
There’s no sense, no purpose, no “aha” momentum to my days…they’re just….days.
I need a refresher…something, anything to kick-start what used to be newly borne pages of a newly printed book.
If I cant have this then what’s the point of having anything, anymore?
I'm rewinding: Disturbia - Rihanna
Sweets have you tried meditation!!or calling a sister up!!miss u cathy
I can unfortunately relate
i also have such moments. Try Yvonne's meditation idea, if that fails, round up your craziest pals and chill with them...it helps...
Oh my!
oh people,people...i guess i was just stuck in some depressing rut.
But fear not sweetlings....the Cat is BACK!
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