Monday 7 April 2008

Royally Pissed!

Ok, its official – the circus is back in town and I’m not even amused – not by a long shot. I am seriously pissed off. And I can bet ten cents that the feeling is widely mutual across the divide.

I have had it with this whole bunch of double speaking politicians and their round-the-mulberry-bush antics. For crying out loud, we’re in April and still no Grand Coalition cabinet! Surely, I really thought that after the successful signing of the national accord and reconciliation act that Kofi Annan managed to broker, we would be well on the way to economic recovery and that the country’s reputation would be salvaged.

But nay! Here we are, 4 months down the line and still no farther from the precarious brink of permanent disillusionment. I dare say, Kenyans are not about to see the end of this disgusting charade. I mean, where do these “leaders” get off playing around with our minds? Seriously, how hard is it to share out these cabinet positions on a 50-50 basis? Its bad enough that they had to go ahead and decide on an unbelievable number; 40. Such a nice, round figure, isn’t it?

Now our “leaders” are busy scuttling from one plush office to another, exchanging diatribe and scuffling over “plum” positions, such as Finance and Foreign Affairs. How about the plight of the people who actually placed you on those pedestals? The IDPs, who have suffered mightily; far more mightily that you can ever imagine, are the least of your thoughts. And no! No amount of PR tactics and straight-faced pronouncements on national TV about “considering the plight of Kenyans” will wash.

We have had enough! We are tired of your tee-totalling and wishy-washy antics! Kofi Annan is not about to come over and untangle the mess you’ve made of the Accord. So you can get that notion out of your heads. Aren’t these guys tired of airing their dirty linen in front of the entire world?

I think its time for our two leaders to get their act right; give Kenyans what they want. You have wasted enough of our time and I dare say, we have had it up to our noses! Stop your idiosyncratic behaviour and just give us our due!

1 comment:

Nuesa Literària said...

Hi again
I read all yoy words about politic situation of kenya. It seems difficult to underestand. What do you think should be the best politic for your country?
I have a new poem on my blog: "memories" I think you will like it.