Wednesday 6 November 2013

This Miasma That Surrounds Me

Its been....soooooooo long, eons actually since I last checked in. My fingers are creaky, there are literally web-like formations between my digits. And there's this weird...miasma(I cannot for the life of me think of a better word) that has been surrounding me for all this time(well, since my last post).
It has enveloped me like a cloak...I cant shake the damn thing off. I have tried all manner of remedies..a vacation in the countryside, copious amounts of caffeine, mojitos, hell I have even tried a change in career....but nothing. Nothing.

So I have decided to embrace the cloak and make the most out of it. Its been an interesting journey though...quite revealing at most. I didn't realize that I had the resilience of a three-legged turtle. I quit my job (I will get back to that in a bit), started a new business, got into a new relationship(that I am still trying to figure out), made some new friends then shed them faster than you could say Jack Daniels because I realized they were sneaky little bastards, got blacked out by a close best friend(that's a story for another day) and sank into mini depression. Oh...and also turned the big 3-O which was another insane experience(that's another story for another day).

At the moment, I can say that I am getting used to this weird funk I'm in. Its like I've been in hibernation and I just crawled out from under this heavy rock and got startled by how much the world has moved on. And I have no least I don't regret quitting my job...that was a serious ball and chain that I'd been hauling around for way too long.

Speaking of which, it happened in the most spontaneous of ways. I quite simply just walked into work one day,  sank into my seat, looked around and decided I had had enough. Yup...fired up the PC and furiously typed out my resignation letter. It was sitting pretty in HR's inbox by end of day. And I was as happy as a clam.

So here I am now, not sure what lies ahead, but still looking forward to whatever funkiness is around the corner. Frankly, I have been oozing a lot of negative energy but I am learning to make my way around it. Positive energy - find me wherever you are, I beseech thee.

And this cloak of mine is seemingly less funky as I trudge on from one day to the next.

Yup. This is me taking it one day at a time.

I'm loving - Bad by Wale & Rihanna

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