I came across this interesting article, just as I was ruminating over issues regarding our country’s CEO’s performance record.
I must say, dude hit the nail precisely on the head. And with this in mind, I can only add my 5 cents worth: this country was more or less better off in the Moi days.
Yup, there I said it. Now bring out the rungus and machetes…but before you cast the first stone, you might want to think about this a bit. Go on, chew on this piece of cud…
Does anyone honestly feel that this country’s institutions are much more efficient than they were some 8 years ago?
True some exceptions can be drawn, and even some privatized institutions have a lot to show for themselves. But I sincerely miss the days when Moi would just crack the whip and all disgruntled and unruly "chieftains" would be back on track, toeing the line. True, the former CEO was a bit too heavy on the “Big Man” character, but I feel in the long run, this country was spared a lot of mudslinging and name calling as is now the norm amongst our MPs.
Well, we may draw comparisons for an entire decade but methinks Moi knew how to keep his country well oiled and running. Of course, it reached a point when democracy(which can be very very loud) had to have the day; but I wish Kibaki would have borrowed a leaf or two from the “Professor of politics”…
There are women who will make your life miserable if you allow them to.
There are women who will go behind your back to report/bitch talk/yap/gossip/hate on you,
There are also women who want what you have: your job, your confidence, your peace and joy - and your husband!
There are those who will look at you from head to toe and find a fault to pick on.
Then there are those who want to be you (not realizing that you have your own insecurities).
There are those who want to know where you shop just so they can rate your class and how far up the ladder they are.
Then of course, there are those who secretly want your boyfriend or husband.
When you can't afford a trip out of town, she pays for your ticket. If you introduce her to a male friend, she will ask you a hundred times if you like the guy before she shows any interest.
She would never date your ex because when he became a jerk to you, he might as well have become a jerk to her as well, never mind who was at fault. I have found that it is necessary to find female friends (and become one as well) with whom you connect deeply.
Women who are confident in who they are without being arrogant.
Women who know that there is more to life than who is dating who and who bought what from where.
Today, tell all your TRUE female friends that your world would be less without them.
is a promise spoken by heart. It is not given by a pledge, neither is it written on a paper.It is a promise renewed every time friends keep in touch.
N.B. : Yes…its true…every once in a while, I digress and address less “serious” matters (a la politics n
A wise man once told me, "My advice to you young lady... don't try to understand men because you only end up being more confused than before..."
Well, lets just say I think dude was on to something...
1. The nice men are ugly.
2. The handsome men are not nice.
3. The handsome and nice men are gay.
4. The handsome, nice, and heterosexual men
are married.
5. The men who are not so handsome, but are
nice men, have NO money.
6. The men who are not so handsome, but are
nice men with money think we are only after their
money.(hmm…anybody differ?)
7. The handsome men without money are after
OUR money.
8. The handsome men, who are not so nice and
somewhat heterosexual, don't think we are beautiful enough.
9. The men who think we are beautiful, that
are heterosexual, somewhat nice and have no money,
are cowards.
10. The men who are somewhat handsome, somewhat nice and have money
and THANK GOD are straight, are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!!!(ok,
seriously, what’s up with that?)
11. The men who never make the first move, automatically lose interest
in us when we take the initiative
So once again I think…for ONCE…the wise man was right…