Thursday 17 March 2011

For all the good things

This year has been flecked with one heck of a disaster after another.

Ok, it all started with the Egypt riots that culminated in Hosni Mubarak's fall from grace (finally) and thereafter the domino effect was felt throughout the Midle East. With this came the hike in oil prices, the dollar has slumped, production has stalled, even earth days have shorthened!

And now the heartwrenching disaster that has engulfed Japan...its all so sad. The other day, a friend was saying how these events are so reminiscent of the "end of days" biblical references.
There's so much strife, disaster and human struggle.

The Japan situation is one that has got me thinking alot. I mean, just having a look at some of the pictures over here puts everything into firm perspective.

Its so easy for us mortals to forget all the good things we enjoy in our fickle lives; the iar we breathe, the safety of our homes, the love and affection of family, the food on our tables, a warm bed at night, the security of a job...

Lets remember to thank God and whoever deity we recognise for all the good things we have.
And please whisper a prayer to our Japanese brothers and sisiters.

I'm loving: Just a Prayer Away by Jaci Velasquez


aokokasera said...

amen to appreciating the little things!!

Nyambura said...

You got it girl. It scares me sometimes how easy it is to take so much for granted...

Cathy W said...

yeah...i just cant stop thinkin, what if THAT was us? what if WE were in their shoes right now....