Wednesday 16 March 2011

Not Nate!

So like I was doing my usual rounds on the internet when I got an IM from a pal - Nate Dogg's gone.

Suffice it to say that I was shocked. I mean WTF???

Nate Dogg-bandana wearing,smooth,mellow,swagalicious...

It seems like every other day, another bright, shining star leaves the music industry feeling orphaned. Its like, for every true talent that leaves the earth, a hail of auto-tune backed "singers" emerges. Seemingly, this dearth of true artists like Nate, MJ and so on, will not be mitigated.

Its saddening that he's gone. Nate's contribution to hip-hop cannot be overemphasised enough; he was truly legendary.

The internet is awash with tributes, the blogosphere sparking with fond memories of the man. I passed here and couldn’t help but notice how much Nate was loved and appreciated by his fans.

Man…I don’t even know where to begin. All I can say is hip-hop’s lost a real artist, a real star, a legend.

R.I.P Nate

I’m loving Regulate - Warren G ft Nate Dogg


Emigee said...

Rest In Peace Nate, you gave hiphop a unique voice, something that could be loved and you did it well. no one can be what you became to hiphop.

Nyambura said...
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Cathy W said...

amen to that.